#WhatIWantToShare: Chloe & Ali

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I had the honour of getting my favourite bestie couple to make the second guest video for our series, #WhatIWantToShare.  Yippee!

Chloe & Ali McKenzie are professionals in the managing and coaching worlds. This power couple is consistently learning and strives to create a positive impact in their surroundings, near and far. Their strong work ethic and abilities to relate and connect with others no matter their backgrounds and experiences have not only made them experts in their fields, but also a blessing to those who are fortunate enough to be a part of their lives.

Success mantra.  Thank you guys for our 'Thought of the Day'!
Success mantra. Thank you guys for our ‘Thought of the Day’!

Chloe and I were random roommates while I was in Teacher’s College, and her completing her undergraduate studies.  Dare I say, it was love at first sight.  I am lucky to have been there when she’d met, then married, her soulmate, Mr. Ali McKenzie … and the rest is beautiful history!  Since combining forces, their shared vision for learning, growing, and creating has only multiplied.  They are truly the dynamic duo to watch out for.

Watch their inspiring messages below:

Follow them on Instagram @thetenthacademy

To Chloe & Ali:  Words cannot express how grateful I am to have you both in my life and with me since the beginning of this project.  Your messages are extremely powerful and it’s even more thrilling to see that you both live true to them every single day.  Thank you for being a major source of inspiration, unconditional love and support in my life … without fail!  I love you both and cannot wait to see the magnitude of positive changes we create in this world together.  You’re the best Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie ;)!  Oprah, we’re coming for you!!!

To watch more videos from this project, check out our YouTube playlist: #WhatIWantToShare

Want to join us?  Click here for more information!

Have a blessed day, everyone!
